Activity ID
March 7, 2025Format Type
Journal-basedCME Credit
$30CME Provider: JAMA Neurology
Description of CME Course
Importance Infants with hypotonia can present with a variety of potentially severe clinical signs and symptoms and often require invasive testing and multiple procedures. The wide range of clinical presentations and potential etiologies leaves diagnosis and prognosis uncertain, underscoring the need for rapid elucidation of the underlying genetic cause of disease.
Observations The clinical application of exome sequencing or genome sequencing has dramatically improved the timely yield of diagnostic testing for neonatal hypotonia, with diagnostic rates of greater than 50% in academic neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) across Australia, Canada, the UK, and the US, which compose the International Precision Child Health Partnership (IPCHiP). A total of 74% (17 of 23) of patients had a change in clinical care in response to genetic diagnosis, including 2 patients who received targeted therapy. This narrative review discusses the common causes of neonatal hypotonia, the relative benefits and limitations of available testing modalities used in NICUs, and hypotonia management recommendations.
Conclusions and Relevance This narrative review summarizes the causes of neonatal hypotonia and the benefits of prompt genetic diagnosis, including improved prognostication and identification of targeted treatments which can improve the short-term and long-term outcomes. Institutional resources can vary among different NICUs; as a result, consideration should be given to rule out a small number of relatively unique conditions for which rapid targeted genetic testing is available. Nevertheless, the consensus recommendation is to use rapid genome or exome sequencing as a first-line testing option for NICU patients with unexplained hypotonia. As part of the IPCHiP, this diagnostic experience will be collected in a central database with the goal of advancing knowledge of neonatal hypotonia and improving evidence-based practice.
1. This activity is accredited by the American Medical Association.
2. This activity is free to AMA members.
ABMS Member Board Approvals by Type
ABMS Lifelong Learning CME Activity
Allergy and Immunology
Colon and Rectal Surgery
Family Medicine
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Nuclear Medicine
Orthopaedic Surgery
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Plastic Surgery
Preventive Medicine
Psychiatry and Neurology
Thoracic Surgery
Commercial Support?
NoNOTE: If a Member Board has not deemed this activity for MOC approval as an accredited CME activity, this activity may count toward an ABMS Member Board’s general CME requirement. Please refer directly to your Member Board’s MOC Part II Lifelong Learning and Self-Assessment Program Requirements.
Educational Objectives
1. Identify at least two unique considerations for pediatricians with regards to medical professional liability claims and lawsuits.
2. Describe the two most prevalent allegations in claims and lawsuits involving pediatricians.
Genetics and Genomics, Neonatology, Pediatrics
Medical Knowledge
CME Credit Type
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit
Practice Setting
Academic Medicine, Inpatient, Outpatient, Rural, Urban