Search Results

2401 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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AMA Journal of Ethics How Hospital Leaders and Risk Managers Can Nurture Ethics-Driven Lawyering 1 Yes 10/31/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Might Artificial Intelligence Applications Impact Risk Management? 1 Yes 10/31/2026
Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) VIP Syndrome: A Moral Dilemma 0.5 Yes 11/1/2026
Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) Medical Marijuana Issues in Louisiana: An Overview 1 Yes 11/8/2026
Massachusetts Medical Society Reflecting on Health Disparities and Moving Toward Antiracism in Medicine 1 No 11/16/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Death's Troubled Relationship With the Law 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Hacking Structural Racism in Health Care 0.25 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: How Do We Know Who's Dead? 0.25 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians Respond When Patients' Loved Ones Do Not See "Brain Death" as Death? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
American Medical Association Prioritizing Equity: How the Past Informs the Present in Health Care 0.75 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Should a Patient Who Is Pregnant and Brain Dead Receive Life Support, Despite Objection From Her Appointed Surrogate? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Does the Public Need to Know About Brain Death? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Should We Do About the Mismatch Between the Legal Criteria for Death and How Brain Death Is Diagnosed? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Should We Do When Families Refuse Testing for Brain Death? 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Cheating the Rules of Admission With "Observation" 1 Yes 12/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Does Normalization of Turfing Explain Why There's No Recent Literature on It? 0.25 Yes 12/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Should Students and Trainees Be Taught About Turfing and Where Patients Belong? 1 Yes 12/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Should Physicians Care About What Law Says About Turfing and Dumping Patients? 1 Yes 12/1/2026
JAMA Internal Medicine Chest Tightness With QR and ST-Segment Elevation in Lead V 1 Yes 12/4/2026
JAMA Neurology Mirror Hand Movements Caused by a Deletion of the DCC Gene 1 Yes 12/4/2026