American Medical Association |
Navigating Ethical and Legal Considerations of AI in Health Care |
0.5 |
Yes |
6/25/2027 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Necrotic Plaques on the Ears of a Patient With COVID-19 |
1 |
Yes |
4/13/2025 |
JAMA Surgery |
Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections - A Review |
1 |
Yes |
9/11/2027 |
JAMA Oncology |
Neoadjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy for Localized Deficient Mismatch Repair Colorectal Cancer - A Review |
1 |
Yes |
9/7/2026 |
Neonatal Survival After Serial Amnioinfusions for Bilateral Renal Agenesis - The Renal Anhydramnios Fetal Therapy Trial |
1 |
Yes |
12/5/2026 |
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Late Preterm Antenatal Corticosteroids - The ALPS Follow-Up Study |
1 |
Yes |
4/24/2027 |
JAMA Network Open |
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 1 Year in Infants of Mothers Who Tested Positive for SARS-CoV-2 During Pregnancy |
1 |
Yes |
6/15/2025 |
JAMA Dermatology |
New-Onset Vulvar Edema in a Pediatric Patient |
1 |
Yes |
9/25/2027 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Newborn Girl Presenting With Erythema and Blisters |
1 |
Yes |
12/13/2026 |
JAMA Ophthalmology |
Nicotinamide and Pyruvate for Neuroenhancement in Open-Angle Glaucoma - A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial |
1 |
Yes |
1/20/2025 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Nodular Vulvar Lesions |
1 |
Yes |
6/12/2027 |
JAMA Oncology |
Nonhealing Cutaneous Ulcers in a Patient With Myelodysplastic Syndrome |
1 |
Yes |
4/13/2026 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Nonhealing Genital Ulcers as Clue to a Multisystem Disease |
1 |
Yes |
1/11/2026 |
NonHigh-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels From Childhood to Adulthood and Cardiovascular Disease Events |
1 |
Yes |
4/12/2027 |
Nonhormonal Therapies for Menopausal Vasomotor Symptoms |
1 |
Yes |
9/15/2026 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Numerous Angiomatous Lesions in an Infant |
1 |
Yes |
10/12/2025 |
JAMA Dermatology |
Numerous Ulcerated Plaques of the Trunk and Extremities in a Patient Receiving Long-term Hydroxyurea Therapy |
1 |
Yes |
2/22/2026 |
JAMA Ophthalmology |
Numerous White Retinal Lesions Following Cataract Surgery |
1 |
Yes |
8/4/2025 |
Obesity in Adolescents - A Review |
1 |
Yes |
8/5/2027 |
JAMA Oncology |
Obstacles to Biosimilar Acceptance and Uptake in Oncology - A Review |
1 |
Yes |
5/30/2027 |