Search Results

1578 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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JAMA Projected Changes in Statin and Antihypertensive Therapy Eligibility With the AHA PREVENT Cardiovascular Risk Equations 1 Yes 7/29/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Promoting Antiracist Mental Health Crisis Responses 1 Yes 8/1/2025
JAMA Network Open Proposed Nutrition Competencies for Medical Students and Physician Trainees - A Consensus Statement 1 Yes 9/30/2027
JAMA Surgery Providing a Safe Pregnancy Experience for Surgeons - A Review 1 Yes 8/14/2027
JAMA Neurology Provocative Hyperventilation in a Patient With Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks After Radiation Therapy 1 Yes 3/21/2025
JAMA Dermatology Pruritic Rash in a Woman With Endometrial Cancer 1 Yes 2/8/2026
JAMA Network Open Psychological Distress Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Adults in the United Kingdom Based on Coordinated Analyses of 11 Longitudinal Studies 1 Yes 4/22/2025
JAMA Psychiatry Psychopharmacologic Considerations for Transgender and Gender Diverse People 1 Yes 4/20/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Ptosis With Fluctuating Diplopia 1 Yes 3/10/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Public Accommodation Laws and Gender Panic in Clinical Settings 1 Yes 10/1/2027
JAMA Neurology Pulsatile Superficial Temporal Artery - A Sign of Carotid Dissection With Stroke 1 Yes 2/14/2025
JAMA Neurology Punctate Diffuse Cortex Signals in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 1 Yes 1/2/2027
JAMA Dermatology Pustular Erythroderma in an Infant 1 Yes 8/28/2027
JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery Quantitative Evaluation of Aerosol Generation During In-Office Flexible Laryngoscopy 1 Yes 11/7/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Questioning Biomedicine's Privileging of Disease and Measurability 1 Yes 6/25/2027
JAMA Network Open Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Yes 8/1/2025
JAMA Network Open Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Drug Overdose Deaths in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Yes 9/23/2025
JAMA Cardiology Racial Disparities in Sports Cardiology - A Review 1 Yes 7/17/2027
JAMA Radiographic Absence of the Left Humeral Head 1 Yes 7/14/2026
JAMA Oncology Rapid Advances in Resectable NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer - A Narrative Review 1 Yes 12/28/2026