Search Results

393 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Where Are All the Geriatric Psychiatrists? 0.5 Yes 10/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Which and Whose Values Should Inform Decisions for Unrepresented Patients? 0.5 Yes 11/3/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: White Coats for Black Lives 0.5 Yes 6/27/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Who Are You Voting For, Doc? I'm Voting For You 0.25 Yes 10/17/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Who's "Health" Does One Health Protect? 0.25 Yes 2/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Who's Included in IPE? 0.5 Yes 5/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Whose Faces Does Facial Feminization Surgery Consider "Feminine?" 0.5 Yes 6/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Whose Job Is Antimicrobial Stewardship? 0.5 Yes 6/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Why "Palliative Surgery" Is Not Like "Jumbo Shrimp" 0.5 Yes 9/5/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Why Does It Matter When We Call Abortion "Elective"? 0.5 Yes 11/3/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Why is Meat So Cheap? 0.25 Yes 4/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Why Oral Health Care Is the Way It Is 0.5 Yes 1/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Why Should Clinicians Care About Nutrition? 0.5 Yes 5/22/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Health By Law: Embryonic Personhood in Alabama 0.25 Yes 6/25/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Portraiture Can Help Build Therapeutic Capacity in Patient-Clinician Relationships 0.5 Yes 5/31/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Can Clinicians Learn From Caregiving and Research in Ghettos and Camps of Nazi-Occupied Europe? 0.5 Yes 3/19/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics "Teach-to-Goal" to Better Assess Informed Consent Comprehension among Incarcerated Clinical Research Participants 1 Yes 8/22/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics A Brief History of Antimicrobial Resistance 1 Yes 5/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics A Call for Behavioral Emergency Response Teams in Inpatient Hospital Settings 1 Yes 10/31/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics A Call to Update Standard of Care for Children With Differences in Sex Development 1 Yes 6/25/2027