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1578 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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AMA Journal of Ethics Which Features of Dietary Supplement Industry, Product Trends, and Regulation Deserve Physicians' Attention? 1 Yes 5/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Which Skills Are Key to Public Health Leaders' Success in Crisis Management? 1 Yes 3/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Who, If Not the FDA, Should Regulate Implantable Brain-Computer Interface Devices? 1 Yes 8/6/2027
JAMA Pediatrics Whole-of-Life Inclusion in Bayesian Adaptive Platform Clinical Trials 1 Yes 8/19/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Whose Responsibility Is It to Address Bullying in Health Care? 1 Yes 11/26/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Care-Based, Not Carceral, Approaches to Suspects With Mental Illness Is Key to Whether We Trust Professional or State Authority Ever Again 1 Yes 2/1/2025
JAMA Psychiatry Why Deaths of Despair Are Increasing in the US and Not Other Industrial Nations - Insights From Neuroscience and Anthropology 1 Yes 2/2/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Disability Must Be Included in Medical School Diversification Efforts 1 Yes 11/26/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Does the US Overly Rely on International Medical Graduates in Its Geriatric Psychiatric Workforce? 1 Yes 10/1/2026
JAMA Why Evidence Generation Should Matter to Payers and How They Can Help 1 Yes 7/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Why MLP Legal Care Should Be Financed as Health Care 1 Yes 8/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Money Is Well Spent on Time 1 Yes 12/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Why Should Primary Care Clinicians Learn to Routinely Examine the Mouth? 1 Yes 12/10/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Why We Need Stricter Oversight of Research Involving Human Subjects Affected by Conflict 1 Yes 6/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Why We Need to Stop Labeling Behaviors Influencing a Person's Weight Ideal or Healthy 1 Yes 7/1/2026
JAMA Cardiology Wide Complex QRS During Sotalol Administration 1 Yes 1/26/2025
JAMA Cardiology Wide Complex Tachycardia in a Middle-Aged Woman With Diarrhea 1 Yes 5/1/2027
JAMA Dermatology Widespread Micropapular Eruption 1 Yes 9/11/2027
JAMA Wildfires and Human Health 1 Yes 7/10/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics With What Should We Replace Nonhuman Animals in Biomedical Research Protocols? 1 Yes 8/31/2027