Search Results

1578 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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AMA Journal of Ethics How Health Care Organizations Can Be Stewardship Leaders 1 Yes 10/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics How Hospital Leaders and Risk Managers Can Nurture Ethics-Driven Lawyering 1 Yes 10/31/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Inpatient Psychiatric Units Can Be Both Safe and Therapeutic 1 Yes 3/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Medical Dental EHR Integration Can Improve Diabetes Care 1 Yes 12/10/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Medicine May Save the Life of US Immigration Policy: From Clinical and Educational Encounters to Ethical Public Policy 1 Yes 2/21/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Might Antibiotic Stewardship Programs Influence Clinicians' Autonomy and Organizations' Liability? 1 Yes 6/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Might Artificial Intelligence Applications Impact Risk Management? 1 Yes 10/31/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How One Health Instrumentalizes Nonhuman Animals 1 Yes 2/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Pharmaceuticals Mask Health and Social Inequity 1 Yes 6/25/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Rohingya Language Educational Videos Help Improve Refugee Interprofessional Health Service Delivery in Milwaukee 1 Yes 5/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should a Physician Respond to Discovering Her Patient Has Been Forcibly Sterilized? 1 Yes 12/12/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should a Transgender Patient's History of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Smoking Influence Gender-Affirming Health Decision Sharing? 1 Yes 6/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Access to Military Health Care Facilities Be Controlled in Conflict? 1 Yes 6/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Autonomy of Persons Experiencing Homelessness Be Balanced With Public Health During a Pandemic? 1 Yes 10/29/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Cervical Cancer Prevention Be Improved in LMICs? 1 Yes 1/24/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinician-Researchers Model Regard for Nonhuman Animals Bred for and Used in Human-Centered Science? 1 Yes 8/31/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians Address a Patient's Experience of Transgenerational Trauma? 1 Yes 5/29/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians Ally With Patients Whose Health Is Unlikely to Be Improved by Even Numerous Clinical Encounters? 1 Yes 12/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians and Organizations Assess Risks and Benefits of First-in-Human Implantation of Investigational Devices? 1 Yes 8/6/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians and Researchers in Government Respond to Threats to Their Offices? 1 Yes 3/1/2026