Search Results

2177 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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American Medical Association The AMA's Strategic Plan for Advancing Health Equity and Justice in Medicine 0.25 Yes 10/3/2025
American Medical Association The Constant Gardener: Cultivating a Resilient Infection Prevention Team 0.5 Yes 9/5/2027
American Medical Association The Hidden Inequities of Dialysis-Related Infections 0.5 Yes 7/25/2026
American Medical Association The History of Physicians and the American Eugenics Movement 0.5 Yes 3/19/2027
American Medical Association The History of Racism in US Health Care - Root Causes of Today's Hierarchy and Systems of Power 0.75 Yes 4/18/2025
American Medical Association The Long Road: LTACHs and IPC Challenges 0.5 Yes 5/14/2027
American Medical Association The Myth of Meritocracy in Medicine and Health Care 0.5 Yes 6/16/2025
American Medical Association The Physician's Role in Promoting Firearm Safety 0.75 Yes 2/6/2027
American Medical Association The SCOTUS Affirmative Action Ruling - The Cost to the Physician Workforce and Historically Minoritized Communities 0.75 Yes 4/2/2027
American Medical Association The Use of AI in Diagnosis 0.5 Yes 2/20/2027
American Medical Association Transitioning Into Private Practice From Residency 0.25 Yes 2/6/2027
American Medical Association Treating Colleagues, Family, and Self 0.25 Yes 12/31/2024
American Medical Association Trustworthiness and Vaccines 0.75 Yes 5/5/2025
American Medical Association Trustworthiness and Vaccines 0.75 Yes 5/5/2025
American Medical Association Understanding Patients' Perspectives - Informed Consent as Process and Applying the LEARN Model 0.5 Yes 4/6/2025
UpToDate UpToDate 0.5/cycle No 3/1/2025
American Medical Association Using Non-Pharmacologic Treatment Modalities: Practical Guidance for Pain Management 0.75 Yes 3/19/2027
American Medical Association Using Non-Pharmacologic Treatments: Practical Guidance for Pain Management 0.75 Yes 10/17/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics What Can Clinicians Learn From Caregiving and Research in Ghettos and Camps of Nazi-Occupied Europe? 0.5 Yes 3/19/2027
American Medical Association What to Look for in Your First or Next Practice- Evaluate the Practice Environment to Match Your Priorities 0.5 Yes 12/19/2026