Search Results

1623 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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JAMA Creation and Adoption of Large Language Models in Medicine 1 Yes 8/7/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Crisis Intervention Team Program Leadership Must Include Psychiatrists 1 Yes 2/1/2025
JAMA Oncology Critical Appraisal of Guideline Recommendations on Systemic Therapies for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma - A Review 1 Yes 8/3/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Cumulative Mortality and Factors Associated With Outcomes of Mucormycosis After COVID-19 at a Multispecialty Tertiary Care Center in India 1 Yes 12/21/2024
JAMA Cushing Syndrome - A Review 1 Yes 7/11/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Orbital Extension 1 Yes 10/6/2025
JAMA Dermatology Cutaneous T-CellRich Lymphoid Infiltrates After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination 1 Yes 8/1/2025
JAMA Dermatology Cutaneous Vascular Malformations in a 53-Year-Old Woman With Neurologic Symptoms 1 Yes 9/13/2026
JAMA Cytisinicline for Smoking Cessation - A Randomized Clinical Trial 1 Yes 7/11/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Death's Troubled Relationship With the Law 1 Yes 11/28/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Decision Aids, Doorknob Moments, and Physician-Patient Solidarity in EDs 1 Yes 12/1/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Decreased Vision and Eye Pain in a 55-Year-Old Man 1 Yes 1/20/2025
JAMA Cardiology Deep Learning for Cardiovascular Imaging - A Review 1 Yes 9/20/2026
JAMA Surgery Defining Essential Surgery in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic Response 1 Yes 10/26/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Delayed Vision Loss Following Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation 1 Yes 8/22/2027
JAMA Network Open Demographic and Clinical Factors Associated With AntiSARS-CoV-2 Antibody Levels After 2 BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Doses 1 Yes 5/31/2025
JAMA Depression and Suicide Risk Screening - Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force 1 Yes 6/20/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Depression's Problem With Men 1 Yes 6/25/2027
JAMA Dermatology Destructive Facial Plaque and Palatal Perforation in a Middle-Aged Woman 1 Yes 10/11/2026
JAMA Pediatrics Detection of Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Human Breast Milk 1 Yes 10/26/2025