Search Results

2401 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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JAMA Dermatology Papular Mucinosis 1 Yes 1/3/2027
JAMA Psychiatry Parameter Space and Potential for Biomarker Development in 25 Years of fMRI Drug Cue Reactivity - A Systematic Review 1 Yes 2/7/2027
JAMA Oncology PARP Inhibitors for Breast Cancer Treatment - A Review 1 Yes 3/21/2027
JAMA Network Open Patient and Health Care Worker Perceptions of Communication and Ability to Identify Emotion When Wearing Standard and Transparent Masks 1 Yes 11/24/2024
American Medical Association Patient Diversity and Genetic Databases 0.5 Yes 3/19/2027
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Patient With Dysphonia 1 Yes 3/7/2027
JAMA OtolaryngologyHead & Neck Surgery Patient With Unilateral Nasal Obstruction and a Nasal Mass 1 Yes 12/7/2026
JAMA Dermatology Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients With Psoriasis - A Systematic Review 1 Yes 1/24/2027
JAMA Network Open Pediatric Heart Transplant Waiting List Times in the US During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Yes 10/26/2025
JAMA Network Open Perceptions and Use of Telehealth Among Mental Health, Primary, and Specialty Care Clinicians During the COVID-19 Pandemic 1 Yes 6/15/2025
JAMA Network Open Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccine Incentives Among Adolescents and Young Adults 1 Yes 6/15/2025
JAMA Surgery Percutaneous Creation of Gastrointestinal Anastomosis - An Emerging Frontier 1 Yes 12/13/2026
JAMA Network Open Persistence and Protective Potential of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Levels After COVID-19 Vaccination in a West Virginia Nursing Home Cohort 1 Yes 9/19/2025
JAMA Dermatology Persistent Hyperkeratotic Plaques on a Man's Genitogluteal Area 1 Yes 2/7/2027
JAMA Network Open Perspectives of Historically Black College and University Advisors to Premedical Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic - A Qualitative Study 1 Yes 10/26/2025
JAMA Network Open Perspectives of Triage Team Members Participating in Statewide Triage Simulations for Scarce Resource Allocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Washington State 1 Yes 4/18/2025
American Medical Association Pharmacogenomics: Building Institutional Support 0.25 Yes 6/2/2025
American Medical Association Pharmacogenomics: Tools and Technology 0.25 Yes 6/2/2025
JAMA Network Open Physician Health Care Visits for Mental Health and Substance Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ontario, Canada 1 Yes 1/21/2025
JAMA Dermatology Pigmentary Changes in a Woman With Oral Lichen Planus 1 Yes 3/20/2027