Search Results

2227 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
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JAMA Ophthalmology Real-Time Visualization of a Transient Retinal Embolus 1 Yes 9/19/2027
JAMA Ophthalmology Synchysis Scintillans After Long-Standing History of Retinal Detachment 1 Yes 9/19/2027
JAMA Ophthalmology Thirteen-Year Follow-Up of Conjunctival Amyloidosis 1 Yes 9/19/2027
Louisiana Medical Mutual Insurance Company (LAMMICO) AI in Medicine: Cutting-Edge or Legal Landmine 1 Yes 9/22/2027
Massachusetts Medical Society 134th Annual Shattuck Lecture - Challenges to the Future of a Robust Medical Workforce in the US 1 Yes 9/23/2027
JAMA N-of-1 Studies in an Era of Precision Medicine 1 Yes 9/25/2027
JAMA Dermatology New-Onset Vulvar Edema in a Pediatric Patient 1 Yes 9/25/2027
JAMA Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria - A Review 1 Yes 9/26/2027
JAMA Oncology Recurrent Fevers in a Patient With Splenomegaly 1 Yes 9/26/2027
JAMA Network Open The Key Features of a Genetic Nondiscrimination Policy - A Delphi Consensus Statement 1 Yes 9/26/2027
JAMA Neurology Peripheral-Type Facial Paralysis and Unilateral Hemisphere Hemorrhage 1 Yes 9/30/2027
JAMA Network Open Proposed Nutrition Competencies for Medical Students and Physician Trainees - A Consensus Statement 1 Yes 9/30/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics How Should Clinicians Respond When Patients Are Influenced by Celebrities' Cancer Stories? 1 Yes 10/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Public Accommodation Laws and Gender Panic in Clinical Settings 1 Yes 10/1/2027
American Medical Association Resident and Fellow Burnout - Create a Holistic, Supportive Culture of Well-Being 0.5 Yes 10/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Bringing Health Professions Education to Patients on the Streets 1 Yes 10/29/2027
American Medical Association Creating an Ethical Practice Environment: Leadership for Ethical Practice 0.25 Yes 10/29/2027
American Medical Association Ethics Issues in Organ Donation 1 Yes 10/29/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Ethics Talk: Street Psychiatry for People Experiencing Homelessness 0.5 Yes 10/29/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Four Ways to Limit Use of Force in Care of Persons Experiencing Homelessness 1 Yes 10/29/2027