Search Results

2401 results were found

Activity Type CME Provider Title Credit Hours Fee End Date
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Children Be Enrolled in Clinical Research in Conflict Zones? 1 Yes 6/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Clinical Guidelines Incorporate Cost Pathways for Persons With Financial Hardship? 1 Yes 1/23/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Clinicians Be Activists? 1 Yes 4/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Clinicians Care About How Food Behaviors Express Gender Identity? 1 Yes 4/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Clinicians Ever Recommend Supplements to Patients Trying to Lose Weight? 1 Yes 5/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Dentists Treat Despite Medical Contraindications? 1 Yes 1/1/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Immigration Status Information Be Included in a Patient's Health Record? 1 Yes 12/31/2024
American Medical Association Should Licensing/Credentialing Organizations Inquire About Clinicians' Past Mental Health? 0.25 Yes 5/2/2025
American Medical Association Should Licensing/Credentialing Organizations Inquire About Clinicians' Past Mental Health? 0.25 Yes 5/2/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should NASA Collect Astronauts' Genetic Information for Occupational Surveillance and Research? 1 Yes 8/20/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Organizational Investment in Robotic Surgical Technology Ever Influence Surgeons' Decisions About Surgical Approach to Patients' Surgical Care? 1 Yes 8/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Patients' Boredom in Locked Inpatient Psychiatric Units Be Considered Iatrogenic Harm? 1 Yes 3/1/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Physicians Consider the Environmental Effects of Prescribing Antibiotics? 1 Yes 9/19/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Physicians Offer a Ventricular Assist Device to a Pediatric Oncology Patient With a Poor Prognosis? 1 Yes 4/30/2025
AMA Journal of Ethics Should There Be a Disclosure Mandate for Physicians Caring for Perinatally Infected Adolescents Who Don't Know Their HIV Serostatus? 1 Yes 7/9/2027
AMA Journal of Ethics Should Uterus Transplantation for Transwomen and Transmen Be Subsidized? 1 Yes 6/1/2026
AMA Journal of Ethics Should We Rely on AI to Help Avoid Bias in Patient Selection for Major Surgery? 1 Yes 8/1/2025
JAMA Sickle Cell Disease - A Review 1 Yes 7/5/2025
JAMA Ophthalmology Simultaneous Pigmented Paravenous Retinochoroidal Atrophy and Retinitis Pigmentosa in the Contralateral Eye 1 Yes 3/21/2027
JAMA Single-Dose Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder - A Randomized Clinical Trial 1 Yes 8/31/2026