JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery |
Telemedicine for Patients With Unilateral Sudden Hearing Loss in the COVID-19 Era |
1 |
Yes |
1/14/2025 |
American College of Physicians |
Telemedicine: a practical guide to incorporation into your practice |
2 |
Yes |
3/18/2026 |
Test-Negative Study Designs for Evaluating Vaccine Effectiveness |
1 |
Yes |
6/12/2027 |
JAMA Internal Medicine |
Testing Whether Cancer Screening Saves Lives - Implications for Randomized Clinical Trials of Multicancer Screening |
1 |
Yes |
8/28/2026 |
JAMA Dermatology |
The Alopecia Areata Severity and Morbidity Index (ASAMI) Study - Results From a Global Expert Consensus Exercise on Determinants of Alopecia Areata Severity |
1 |
Yes |
2/7/2027 |
American Medical Association |
The AMA's Strategic Plan for Advancing Health Equity and Justice in Medicine |
0.25 |
Yes |
10/3/2025 |
The Comprehensive Primary Care Plus Model and Health Care Spending, Service Use, and Quality |
1 |
Yes |
12/15/2026 |
American Medical Association |
The Constant Gardener: Cultivating a Resilient Infection Prevention Team |
0.5 |
Yes |
9/5/2027 |
JAMA Surgery |
The Evolution of Parental Leave Policies During Surgical Training in the US |
1 |
Yes |
8/7/2027 |
JAMA Network Open |
The Fragility of Statistically Significant Results in Randomized Clinical Trials for COVID-19 |
1 |
Yes |
3/18/2025 |
JAMA Surgery |
The Gut-Lymph Model Gives New Treatment Strategies for Organ Failure |
1 |
Yes |
4/20/2025 |
American Medical Association |
The Hidden Inequities of Dialysis-Related Infections |
0.5 |
Yes |
7/25/2026 |
American Medical Association |
The History of Physicians and the American Eugenics Movement |
0.5 |
Yes |
3/19/2027 |
American Medical Association |
The History of Racism in US Health Care - Root Causes of Today's Hierarchy and Systems of Power |
1.5 |
Yes |
2/7/2025 |
American Medical Association |
The History of Racism in US Health Care - Root Causes of Today's Hierarchy and Systems of Power |
0.75 |
Yes |
4/18/2025 |
Massachusetts Medical Society |
The Impact of War on Health, Human Rights, and the Environment |
0.5 |
Yes |
6/25/2027 |
The Integration of Clinical Trials With the Practice of Medicine - Repairing a House Divided |
1 |
Yes |
6/3/2027 |
JAMA Network Open |
The Key Features of a Genetic Nondiscrimination Policy - A Delphi Consensus Statement |
1 |
Yes |
9/26/2027 |
AMA Journal of Ethics |
The Limits of Informed Consent in the Overwhelmed Patient: Clinician's Role in Protecting Patients and Preventing Overwhelm |
1 |
Yes |
8/31/2025 |
American Medical Association |
The Long Road: LTACHs and IPC Challenges |
0.5 |
Yes |
5/14/2027 |